Biofeedback | Nutrition | Wellness


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Are you ready to feel the best you’ve ever felt?

Discover what is causing your symptoms, learn how to heal them, raise your frequency and experience life like never before.

Welcome to the powerful science of quantum technology.


It can change yours too.


Holistic Physiological and Neurological Wellness


What is Biofeedback?

Theoretically, Biofeedback is gaining better understanding of what is going on inside your body, so you can take the right path back to health.

Biofeedback technology

The L.I.F.E System is a certified medical device that analyses your imbalances at a cellular level.

wellness scans

The information is displayed in the form of numbers, charts and scans, providing us with valuable information about your physiological and neurological health. Your organs, pathogens, hormones, emotions and biological systems.

detecting cellular vibration

It detects if the cellular vibration is within its correct range. It does this by sending and receiving electromagnetic frequencies back to the body and analysing its response.

We treat the imbalance by sending the exact same frequencies creating a ‘resonance’ within the cells stimulating them back to equilibrium. When there is an imbalance, there will be symptoms, conditions, or disease.

When the body is in balance, it can return to wellness again.

Biofeedback Benefits

what it can help

Biofeedback therapy is vastly accurate and profound, but one of it’s main benefits is calming the autonomic nervous system to evoke relaxation. When the body rests it heals.

It enables us to see the root cause of your body’s symptoms.

With understanding the complexities of the body and it’s symptoms, I analyse the completion of your scans and advise a personalised treatment plan to bring you back to wellness.

at quick glance

Bioresonance can help with the following issues

> Allergies

> Cognitive function

> Digestive

> Emotional stress

> Fatigue

> Hormones

> Pains

> Sleep

> Nutritional deficiencies

> Weight loss


The Process

EMF healing in Scotland

3 Step Protocol

The initial scan takes approx. 4 to 7 minutes.   


Each biofeedback therapy session includes the 7000 item wellness scan and over 35 different profile scans to help us identify where the biggest energy disturbance is within you. 


During your session, you will receive electromagnetic frequency on items that are out of balance in 3 minute increments. Either stimulating its production or reducing it if it's in excess.


After each 3 mins feedback loop, the machine gives a percentage of how much the body has taken on that substance or not. Your body needs to be at 70% or higher for the shift to have occurred.

EMF healing

Technical Info

The L.I.F.E. System Bioresonance machine sends a square wave signal back to you with amplitude of 5 volts, and a duty cycle of 50% via the head strap. The frequency applied is about 47.3 kHz and the measurement current throughout the body is limited to a maximum of 10mA, but usually no more than 5mA or less, so is completely painless and safe.

THE Headstrap, or not?

If you are here in person, the head strap is attached to your forehead and you may sit or lie down whichever you find most comfortable.

If your session is online, frequencies are sent and received to you like a radio transmitter through the quantum ether.



What happens in a typical session?


Protocols to maximise your healing

A Detailed Breakdown



To do your wellness scan the machine needs to create your client profile. This consists of your personal data unique to you. Giving the LIFE System your unique energetic frequency or blueprint.


We begin the calibration process, so the machine can take and receive measurements via your EMF (electromagnetic field) in order to begin your scan.


The biofeedback machine collects electromagnetic data from your body and forms a list. Identifying any harmful substances, with the most disharmonious displayed at the top of your list.


Harmonic balancing on the left and right frontal, parietal, temporal and occipital lobes. Enabling your receptivity to the treatment.



Scan to see what brain wave state you are in Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta. Vital for knowing the state of your nervous system.


Your hypothalamus is in charge of your body’s homeostasis, it’s the integrator of your autonomic nervous system. We send EMF’s back to recalibrate your body’s internal status quo.


Each session the machine indicates a specific profile to scan, often where energy is particularly dense or stuck.


This gives Laura an overview of where your acute and chronic issues lie, indicating what needs attention first, allowing us to get specific on your main scan.



We analyse the old and new physiological and psychological patterns of imbalances to form a picture of where the root issues lie.


You will then receive electromagnetic frequency (EMF) feedback on your root issues bringing you back to harmony.


Depending on what has been indicated in your session, Laura will advise dietary adjustments, detoxes, supplements and or lifestyle tweaks to maximise your healing outside of the session.

Ready to get started?

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Bioresonance encompasses both Biofeedback and Neurofeedback, encouraging the physiological and neurological healing.

    It is a state of the art, non-invasive healing tool that has the ability to detect cellular changes early on even before pathological changes have developed, making it an excellent preventative tool.

    It works on the principle that every living cell has a frequency to it and if disease has developed in the body it will change the cellular vibration which the machine is able to detect.

    Electromagnetic frequencies are then fed back to the body or brain to restore its balance once again, ultimately aiding you back to wellness.

  • Neurofeedback is a non-invasive treatment that specifically focuses on the brain. Neurofeedback can encourage and speed up this process of neuroplasticity aiding healthier thought patterns. The goal of treatment is not only to change how you think and feel, but also to change your brain on a biological level for better functioning.

  • We use the LIFE System which is a Bioresonance machine combining both neurofeedback and biofeedback to the body to maximise healing.

  • EMF is an abbreviation for electromagnetic field. There are harmful EMFs such as radiation from computers, but in terms of the human body it refers to invisible areas of your energy field or quantum field. Dr. Royal Rife discovered that pathogens emit specific unique frequencies which can be destroyed by exposure to a specific frequencies, without any negative effect for the body. This is where energetic healing was born.

  • Yes, the LIFE System is an advanced electro-physiological device, designed to aid the reduction of stress and muscle relaxation. It has been CE certified and registered throughout the European Union as a Class 2A Medical instrument.  

    The L.I.F.E. System is a professional biofeedback technology used by thousands of trained and qualified practitioners. Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Dentists, Homeopaths, Medical Doctors, Nutritionists and Veterinarians are using the L.I.F.E. System to assist in achieving Stress Management, Muscle Relaxation, and Preventative Healthcare, while supporting the wellbeing of their clients.

  • The treatment itself is completely painless. Most people don’t feel the frequencies during the scanning or feedback attunement, but if they sensitive they might feel a soft tingling sensation. Clients often describe feeling more positive and relaxed after the treatment.

  • Biofeedback is an incredibly powerful tool that helps rebalance your body, mind and soul.

    With this in mind, during the treatment you may begin to feel more relaxed or even sleepy, (especially if you have been in an anxious or stressed state).

    Conversely if your cognitive function has been slower than usual it can stimulate that area of your brain to have clearer thoughts.

    Similarly, when working within the emotional or hormonal profiles clients report they experience a gentle release of emotions (esp if gone unexpressed). This can happen during or after a session, but once passed equilibrium is regained.

    Once your treatment has finished I highly recommend clients schedule in some quiet time to allow the calibration process.


Ready to claim your health back?
