Chakra Scan


chakra healing with Biofeedback

We all have 7 energy centres within our body, called chakras. They each encompass emotional, physical and spiritual elements of our wellbeing.

Each chakra holds immense potential for healing and restoration.

Using the Life System’s Bioresonance we can decipher exactly which of your chakras is blocked and restore their balance for better health.



What We Can Scan

chakra / colour / aura

Unblock your energy centres



  • White

  • Violet

  • Lavender

  • Indigo

  • Blue

  • Green

  • Yellow

  • Orange

  • Red


  • Crown

  • Brow

  • Throat

  • Heart

  • Solar Plexus

  • Sacral

  • Base


The Aura Scans paints a picture of specific colours of your energetic being giving us information about your preferences, personality and where you spend your time most.

With this knowledge it can make it easier to address the balance within yourself or make lifestyle changes that maybe causing stress on your body.

NB - This specific scan doesn’t have a treatment aspect, so is more for inner reflection.



Symptoms we can help

Symptoms can be resolved with Biofeedback therapy

Emotions — a blocked heart chakra can look like a lack of compassion or empathy, trapped in toxic relationships, grief, loneliness, tight chested, lack of love, immune weakness, palpitations and more.

Overthinking — release compulsive thoughts and headaches by rebalancing the Crown and Brow Chakras.

Anxiety — unblock your Solar Plexus to release anxiety and fears.

Intuition — a lack of purpose, distrust in your intuitive self, lack of clarity, vision or creativity can be a result of a blocked third eye.

Speaking your truth — if your throat chakra is blocked you can have difficulty saying how you feel, or expressing yourself. EMF feedback can encourage you to feel seen heard and understood.

Pleasure — sensual or sexual pleasures, rigid regimes, lack of expression, creativity issues, detachment, loneliness, anxiety and isolation can all be linked to blocked sacral chakra.

Fatigue — fatigue, autoimmune, adrenal issues, leg/knee problems. Struggle with change or difficulty making decisions are often a sign of base chakra imbalance.



Your Booking Options

Transform your health with a programme, or book an Introductory Consultation.


Introductory Consultation

The Introductory Consultation is a great way for you to experience the Bioresonance machine, see what comes up on your scans, meet Laura and discover how she can help you whatever your health concerns. More info.




Still have questions?

Book a discovery call

Book a 30 min discovery call with Laura to discuss your health concerns.