Detox Scan


detox with Biofeedback

Toxin build up can poison the system, leaving you more susceptible to disease. 

By identifying your toxins and detoxing your body at a cellular level we can accelerate healing bringing you back to wellness.



What We Can Scan

full body detox

Aiding your body to rid toxins naturally.



  • Amalgams

  • Asbestos

  • Chlorine

  • Carbon Monoxide

  • Insecticides

  • Radiation

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • Cosmetics

  • Fluorine


  • Amoeba

  • Bacteria

  • Fungi

  • Virus

  • Rickettsia

  • Vaccines

  • Parasites

  • Prions

  • Food Toxins

  • Sugar Toxins


  • Alcohol

  • Caffeine

  • Tobacco

  • Intestinal Toxins

  • Dairy

  • Constipation

  • Mental Toxins

  • Injury/Surgery

  • Pork/Beef Toxins

  • Gluten


“By eliminating toxins we automatically speed up gut metabolism, increasing nutrient absorption.”

laura humphreys


Symptoms we can help

Scan & treat

Bacteria — Gastroenteritis, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, MRSA Infection, ear or sinus infections, E.Coli, Meningitis, STI’s, whooping cough, Streptococci infections, UTI’s and bowel bacteria (SIBO).

Fungal — skin, nail, or vaginal yeast infections, thrush, Aspergillosis, Candida, athlete's foot and dandruff.

Gastro — Abdominal pain or tenderness, Diarrhea, Nausea or vomiting, Gas or bloating, Dysentery (loose stools containing blood and mucus. Rash or itching around the rectum or vulva. Feeling tired or exhausted.

Organs — our organs work around the clock to help eliminate dangerous toxins; our liver, kidneys, skin and lymphatic system all become compromised.

Parasites — Tapeworm, Toxocariasis, Toxoplasmosis, Trichinellosis and Trichomoniasis.

Skin - psoriasis, eczema, irritation, scaly skin, redness, itching and swelling.

Viruses — COVID-19, Influenza, HIV, Meningitis, Pneumonia, Human papillomavirus (HPV), Herpes, Rotavirus, Chickenpox, Mumps, Measles, Mononucleosis and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).


Client Feedback


I went to multiple doctors to help with my symptoms, but all they did was prescribe antibiotics, which didn’t work. The four sessions I had with Laura immediately reduced my symptoms that I had been struggling with for over 2 months and after the last session I virtually had no symptoms. Having continued the advice Laura recommended within the programme, I am now symptom free.
— CF (fungal overgrowth)


Your Booking Options

Transform your health with a programme, or book an Introductory Consultation.


Detox Programme

Clear the toxins with the intensive 4 week detox programme.



Still have questions?

Book a discovery call

Book a 30 min discovery call with Laura to discuss your health concerns.