Meridian Scans


equilibrium with Biofeedback

In traditional Chinese medicine, a meridian is the energetic pathways within the human body.

Meridians allow energy to circulate through the body, known as Qi (pronounced “chee”). Each meridian has multiple acupressure points along its pathway and when stress occurs, these pathways can become compromised or even blocked or stuck. This is when symptoms and dis-ease start to set in.

By utilising Biofeedback’s Meridian Scans we can stimulate it to open these channels again, bringing the body back in flow, returning it back to wellness.



What We Can Scan

Meridians + acu-Points

All Meridians have corresponding acupressure points that help maintain equilibrium in the body.



  • Bladder Meridian

  • Conception vessel

  • Gall Bladder

  • Governing Vessel

  • Heart Meridian

  • Kidney Meridian

  • Large Intestine

  • Liver Meridian

  • Lung Meridian

  • Pericardium

  • Small Intestine

  • Spleen

  • Stomach

  • Triple Warmer


  • BL01 Jing Ming - BL67 Zhiyin

  • CV01 Huiyin - CV24 Chengijang

  • GB01 Tongzilao - GB44 Zuqiaoyin

  • GV01 Changqiang - GV28 Yinjiao

  • HE01 Jiquan - HE09 Shaochong

  • KI01 Yongquan - KI27 Shufu

  • LI01 Shangyang - LI20 Yingxiang

  • LR01 Dadun - LR14 Qi Men

  • LU01 Zhongfu - LU11 Shaoshang

  • PC01 Tianchi - PC09 Zhongchong

  • SI01 Shaoze - SI19 Tinggong

  • SP01 YinBai - SP21 Dadao

  • ST01 Chengqi - ST45 Lidui

  • TE01 Guanchong - TE22 Erheliao



Symptoms we can help

scan & treat

Emotions — anxiety, fear, panic, grief, depression, OCD, PTSD.

Pain — reduce inflammation and pain.

Immunity — boost your immune system and reduce stress.

Detox — detox your organs for clearer thinking.

Energy — boost your energy levels.



Your Booking Options

Transform your health with a programme, or book an Introductory Consultation.

Introductory Consultation

The Introductory Consultation is a great way for you to experience the Bioresonance machine, see what comes up on your scans, meet Laura and discover how she can help you whatever your health concerns. More info.




Available Programmes

Transformative programmes to heal your mind and body.


Still have questions?

Book a discovery call

Book a 30 min discovery call with Laura to discuss your health concerns.