Homeopathic Scan
Homeopathy with Biofeedback
Laura has extensive research and experience using Homeopathy and through the machine’s scans it tells us what remedies you need to get back to balance again.
What We Can Scan
679 Homeopathic remedies
An example list of just some of the remedies we can scan, including discovering your constitutional remedy and potency.
plant origins
Arnica - commonly used for bruising
Chamomile - commonly used for anxiety, relaxation and pain in teething children and babies.
Ginger - powerful anti viral, anti bacteria, anti sickness.
Stinging nettle - diuretic
mineral origins
Arsenicum Album
Calc Fluor, Calc Phos, Calc Sulph.
Ferr Phos - anti-inflammatory and reduces fever.
Kali Mur, K. Phos, Kali Sulph.
Mag Phos - eases cramps.
Nat Mur, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph
animal origins
Calcarea Carbonica
Lac caninum
Tarantula Hispanica
Your Booking Options
Transform your health with a programme, or book an Introductory Consultation.
Wellness Programmes
Any of the transformative programmes can feature the Homeopathic scans.
Still have questions?
Book a discovery call
Book a 30 min discovery call with Laura to discuss your health concerns.