Laura Humphreys Health

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Diminish Fatigue Naturally

This article covers

  • My Story - how I suffered with chronic fatigue for years and learnt how to heal myself.

  • How I can help you - why work with me and my experience.

  • Top 10 Tips - we are all unique, so it’s never one size fits all, however these tips can dramatically improve your energy levels if you apply them consistently.

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my story

In my teens I developed Glandular Fever, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and ME along with a myriad of unwanted symptoms. With no conventional support I was BED BOUND for the best part of 5 years, DOCTORS TOLD ME I WOULDN'T RECOVER. Unwilling to accept this reality, I tried every alternative therapy and eventually found Biofeedback which literally gave me my life back.

Little did I know back then that my physical and emotional problems were going to be my biggest turn around, not only with healing myself, but equipping me to help others achieve the same.

how i can help you

Ten years ago the clinic was born. Throughout this time I have worked with hundreds of individuals at various clinics, done thousands of one to one sessions, worked on award-winning retreats and more I have built up a repertoire of valuable knowledge and experience.

With four unique therapies and multiple Wellness Programmes I am confident I can get you back to full health naturally.

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Top 10 Tips

Please note vitamin + mineral deficiencies are also common contributors of fatigue which I’ve not gone into detail in this article, but would cover within programme sessions where we test your potential deficiencies using Biofeedback’s Nutritional Scans.
