Diminish Fatigue Naturally
This article covers
My Story - how I suffered with chronic fatigue for years and learnt how to heal myself.
How I can help you - why work with me and my experience.
Top 10 Tips - we are all unique, so it’s never one size fits all, however these tips can dramatically improve your energy levels if you apply them consistently.
my story
In my teens I developed Glandular Fever, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and ME along with a myriad of unwanted symptoms. With no conventional support I was BED BOUND for the best part of 5 years, DOCTORS TOLD ME I WOULDN'T RECOVER. Unwilling to accept this reality, I tried every alternative therapy and eventually found Biofeedback which literally gave me my life back.
Little did I know back then that my physical and emotional problems were going to be my biggest turn around, not only with healing myself, but equipping me to help others achieve the same.
how i can help you
Ten years ago the clinic was born. Throughout this time I have worked with hundreds of individuals at various clinics, done thousands of one to one sessions, worked on award-winning retreats and more I have built up a repertoire of valuable knowledge and experience.
With four unique therapies and multiple Wellness Programmes I am confident I can get you back to full health naturally.
Top 10 Tips
Please note vitamin + mineral deficiencies are also common contributors of fatigue which I’ve not gone into detail in this article, but would cover within programme sessions where we test your potential deficiencies using Biofeedback’s Nutritional Scans.
Eliminate Refined Carbs
Often considered as 'empty' calories, because they’ve had most of their fibre, vitamins and minerals stripped. Refined carbohydrates have a high glycaemic index, as they get digested quickly, which leads to spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels. Not only that, but they can also block vital nutrients as they slow your transit time down, often causing constipation which all so commonly causes fatigue.
Foods: pasta, rice, pastries, bread, wraps.
2. Try Intermittent Fasting
If you're new to fasting start with 10 hours and build up to 16, narrowing your 'eating window' down. Fasting causes the body to turn its fat stores into energy, which releases ketones into the bloodstream and promotes weight loss. Not only this, it encourages organ and cellular healing, particularly with the digestive system and your bowel. I do the 16:8 method most days and definitely contribute to more energy.
3. Increase Vitamin C
Vitamin C is highly under valued. Vital for so many functions within the body. It’s necessary for growth and repair of your body's tissues, encourages collagen production and helps bone maintenance.
It protects your immune system by eliminating toxins & pathogens which greatly reduces your risk of chronic diseases. Vitamin C also increases your body's ability to absorb iron by 3 times - hello energy!
Foods: citrus fruits, acerola cherries, kiwis, papaya, parsley, kale, broccoli.
Supplements: Vitamin C + Rosehips, Ascorbic acid powder.
4. Try Magnesium
A 2018 review states, “Subclinical magnesium deficiency increases the risk of numerous types of cardiovascular disease,” including coronary artery disease and hypertension. Magnesium can prevent migraines, reduce inflammation, help to metabolise vitamin D, aid better sleeps and support your mental health.
New evidence is also emerging that magnesium may have a role in managing asthma symptoms through its dual effects as an anti-inflammatory and broncho-dilating agent.
Foods: Hemp seeds, spinach, squash, beans, oily fish, chicken, turkey (mag rich foods).
Supplements: Magnesium citrate works well on clearing the bowels.
5. Increase Healthy Fats
Back in 90’s there was a big craze of ‘low fat was healthy’, slowly this is being debunked, but sadly many are still misinformed.
Polyunsaturated fats; omega-6 and omega-3 are in fact vital healthy fats. They rebalance your hormones, improve your mood, regulate your sleep, keep your joints healthy and reduce inflammation. Your brain also needs healthy fats for it to function effectively and for you to think clearly.
Foods: Oily fish, avocados, oils and nuts.
Supplements: Evening Primrose oil (omega 6) and Cod Liver Oil (omega 3).
6. Do Regular Bowel Cleanses
Your colon is 6-8 feet long! Cleansing your bowel is vital for increasing your energy levels as it can store pounds of undigested compacted waste. This leads to mucus build up producing toxins that seep into the bloodstream and cause an array of symptoms: fatigue, headaches and weight gain to name just a few.
Colon Cleansing Benefits -
1. Maximising absorption of vital nutrients
2. Maintains regularity and prevents constipation
3. Rids unwanted pathogens
4. Boosts energy levels
5. Improves concentration levels
6. Decreases the risks of bowel diseases
7. Potential Emotional Blocks
Leading scientists have proven the mind and body are intrinsically linked.
Using Neuro Linguistic Programming we work with your subconscious mind to re-programme outdated thoughts and feelings that are potentially causing your unwanted physical and emotional symptoms.
Clear any potential emotional blocks that might be a result of your fatigue with NLP.
8. Limit Fluid After 8pm
It may sound like an obvious one, but drinking too late into the evening can cause you to wake up in the night for pee disturbing your sleep and if you’re not able to get back off straight away you can be left feeling tired and groggy when morning arises.
9. Switch off before bed.
Switching off technology an hour before bed can greatly calm your nervous system down. Its well known that these devices emit bad EMF'‘s and can overstimulate your brain.
An overstimulated brain is likely to be in the brainwave Beta with a tendency to produce compulsive thinking. When ideally you want to be in a calm brain wave state such as Theta, or Delta to gently drift off to sleep.
10. Sleep before 11pm
Your adrenal glands produce cortisol the stress hormone. Their recharge time is between 11pm-1am and Melatonin (the sleep hormone) is at its highest between 10pm - 2am.
Meaning the most restorative sleep takes place between 10pm - midnight. So if you are continually sleeping too late you can wake up feeling tired regardless of the length of time you’ve slept.