Meditation can Reshape your Brain

Here's just how

Our brain has nerve cells that fire electrical signals and oscillate in distinctive arrangements called brainwave patterns.

Depending on what thoughts, emotions or biological chemistry you are experiencing each state you are in (happiness, sadness, anxiety, depression, anger, relaxation, sleep etc) your brain produces specific correlating waves that can be measured through frequencies known as Hertz (Hz).

However being in a conflicting brain wave state that is counteractive to the purpose you need at that time can cause unnecessary stress on your body. For example stuck in Beta brain wave all day everyday, may mean you have trouble falling asleep at night and therefore can cause adrenal fatigue.

By understanding and recognising our brain wave states, we can begin to resolve health conditions, increase our performance and experience the fullness of life that we all deserve.


Our 4 Brain wave states




(14-40HZ - Level 0)

Low Beta waves are actually quite helpful in highly stimulated conversation or doing a presentation, but to get stuck in high Beta brain waves can cause havoc on your health.

In this state for too long and you can begin to experience a compulsive thought loop; anxiety, panic attacks and sometimes even states of paranoia. It's where the fight or flight response has been activated and not turned off, the body is in a constant 'on' mode not knowing how to switch off and relax. I often see clients suffering from chronic anxiety, fatigue, burnout, adrenal exhaustion, weakened immune system and an array of other unwanted symptoms in this state. 

So determining what state your brain waves are in using the Biofeedback machine and sending the frequencies back to rebalance you ensuring your body can pull on whichever state it needs depending on your circumstances can not only aid your meditation practice, but also help to heal your body.


(4-8 Hz - Level 3 + 4)

Deeply relaxed state, meditative state it's what you enter during light sleep and where 'the power nap' got it's name. You'll feel most in touch with your intuition, open and connected to your inner gut knowing, experience heightened creativity, cortisol levels will begin to decrease therefore getting you to a deeper state of relaxation prime for a good nights sleep.



(7.5-14 HZ  - Level 1 + 2)

Known as the doorway into meditation, the mind chatter slows down and more creative ideas start to flow through (it's easy to get caught in this state in meditation as your mind will perceive it is interesting and 'useful'), but it's really only the first layer of the subconscious mind.

It’s where relaxation begins to occur, Serotonin and Endorphins start to secrete, making it a great conduit for releasing anxiety and panic attacks, relieving depression and allowing you to exude confidence and happiness once again.


(0-4 Hz  - Level 5 + 6)

Many Scientists believe Delta is the most beneficial state of all, it's where healing occurs, where the body has lost all awareness and physical and deep mental regeneration takes place. Cells and immune system rejuvenate themselves, hormones re-establish their natural balance and health begins to restore itself. 

It's the optimum state for accessing the subconscious mind and reprogramming; working on unhealthy beliefs and installing new positive to change memories, traumas and old behavioural patterns.

It's the pivotal point where the unconscious and super-conscious parts of the mind meet, where you find the seeds of clarity, the real genuine creative process beginning to form actually without much conscious effort. Healing, inner knowing, connection and confidence all without trying - bliss!

Learn to meditate