Posts tagged Children

“As a parent, it has been so incredibly helpful to have the support from Laura to help my daughter through this difficult time. I don't think my daughter's fatigue would have improved so quickly without sessions with Laura. The difference was significant once we started the block of sessions. Not only was the information and feedback from the machine so helpful but the non-judgemental open hearted kindness that she showed both of us felt like she really understood what we were going through and helped us in so many ways. Definitely a holistic approach, not just find one problem and fix it. This is more about skills for life, life changing guidance.’

‘I love how much of an impact the whole session has on you. It kind of improves your whole life because you keep doing the good things that the sessions suggested. And they become good habits. Laura is very kind and when something comes up on the machine she gives really good advice about it from her experience. She doesn't just tell you, she really pays attention. It's not like she's just giving you information, it feels like she really cares about you.”

— VC (mother) and AC (daughter, aged 12)

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