Importance of Magnesium

‘the Miracle Cure’

This article covers

Scientific Benefits

  1. Every cell needs magnesium

    Magnesium is often referred to as ‘The Miracle Cure’ as its needed by every cell in the body and is essential for hundreds of biochemical processes. (1) It converts food into energy, creates new proteins from amino acids, creates and repairs DNA and RNA and aids in muscle movement.

  2. osmotic effect

    Magnesium ions found within Epsom Salts trigger an osmotic effect pulling water into the intestinal lumen that results in a laxative action. Clearing out accumulated waste matter and gasses within the bowel. (2)

  3. Muscle movement

    Magnesium is needed for the contraction and relaxation of muscles and helps to reduce lactate build up that can occur during and after exercising. (3)

  4. Fights depression

    Studies show that increased magnesium can help relieve anxiety, lift mood, and aid in the treatment of depression. Magnesium helps to regulate neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical that aids the pathway between thoughts, emotions, and defences. If this pathway gets blocked by not enough magnesium or amino acid tryptophan it can become dysregulated. It’s here you can experience mood disorders. When doing my Epsom’s Salts flush concentrated levels of magnesium are ingested through the body which increases serotonin production. (4,5)

  5. soothes PMS

    PMS can be relentless especially month in month out, but studies show magnesium can ease symptoms such as water retention, including weight gain, swelling of extremities, breast tenderness and abdominal bloating. It’s also known to improve mood (6) and help to alleviate tiredness. (7)

  6. reduces risk of pre-eclampsia

    Studies have shown that ‘Magnesium Sulphate halves the risk of eclampsia’ in pregnancy. In my experience most definitely reduces inflammation and swelling when pregnant. (8)

  7. Pain reduction - migraine headaches

    Migraines or persistent headaches can be due to a lack of magnesium. Here a trial with children taking ‘magnesium oxide lead to a significant reduction in headache days’. (9) Another trial was carried out on supplementing migraine sufferers with 1 gram of magnesium sulfate verses dexamethasone/metoclopramide and ‘the results were the magnesium sulfate was a more effective and fast-acting medication for the treatment of acute migraine headaches.’ (10)

  8. leaky gut

    Epsom’s salts releases digestive polypeptides and nitric oxide which helps the colon to get rid of tough compacted faecal waste and toxins. Resulting in a cleaner and healthier digestive system where damaged villi (often a result of eating the wrong foods) can have a chance to reset and repair again.

  9. Combats type II Diabetes

    Research has shown that deficiencies in magnesium can cause blood sugar irregularities resulting in diabetes. As Magnesium helps the body metabolise carbohydrates and the body’s use of insulin. Studies show that individuals with type II diabetes have low levels of magnesium in their blood and by correcting this lack of magnesium may help to increase insulin sensitivity and prevent type II diabetes. (11, 12)

  10. blood pressure - hypertension - ADHD

    If you experience high blood pressure, hypertension, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) studies have shown a magnesium supplement may help to rebalance it. (13)


Foods rich in Magnesium

Getting the balance right

Getting the right balance of vitamins, minerals and amino acids for your body can be tricky, especially when so many of us are misinformed on what ‘good nutrition’ actually is.

For starters, begin by reducing refined carbohydrates alongside eating a Magnesium rich diet and you will see more energy and less symptoms.


Biofeedback’s Nutritional Scans

restoring the balance in you

My USP as a nutritionist is not only being able to translate what your body is trying to tell you, but utilising the powerful Bioresonance machine.

We can scan your body to find out which nutrient is out of balance. Whether it is in excess or there is a deficiency. We then send the bioidentical frequency back to you which stimulates its balance restoring you back to wellness.


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