Reducing stress naturally
For emotional or physical issues - I meditate. Actually it's 100% my first go to remedy, what to do with business, relationship issues, finances, anything even before calling my best friend or Mum. You don’t need to go anywhere to feel as serene as the guy looks in the photo either, just sit, close your eyes and allow your thoughts and feelings to be there.
If listening to your thoughts is a step too far at the moment. Move your body to get out of your stressed state. I dance, do yoga, get digging in the garden, or bare foot walk in the sand to get out of my head and back into my body.
Epsom Salt Bath
Sink into a warm deep bath with a cup of Epsom Salt’s it’s sure to relax you (if not induce sleep). Plus your skin will absorb the magnesium your body needs. Magnesium is a highly important mineral, one most people are deficient in.
Emotional Clearing
My favourite CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy) is by guru Byron Katie who devised The Work. I highly recommend you follow the steps on the link to clear an unforgiven past, preconceived judgements, or fears holding you back from your dreams. The Work can help you clear, heal and unravel any emotional issue and easy for you to do right from your couch.
switch off
Switch off your phone. Yes I know there are a million excuses not to do this, but it’s so liberating. Start off by just an hour a day and increase it, notice how you feel afterwards - even better a no technology morning, or day esp at the weekend!
By this I mean practise only doing one task at any given time. We are so wired into multitasking which can heighten behaviours like ADD and ADHD. It’s time to retrain your brain.
Salt Lamp
Electro-smog emitting out at us 24/7 can leave us feeling depleted and potentially weaken your immune system. Wifi, mobile phones, laptops, TV’s, Bluetooth, the list is endless as our world has gone digital. Investing in a salt lamp is meant to attract and mop up electro-smog to clean and neutralise your air.
Infrared Light Mat
I have one of these and they're amazing for all sorts of ailments - it's one of my best investment (other than the Biofeedback machine). Brilliant for anxiety/depression, constipation, low energy, aches and pains, concentration levels and generally raising and rebalancing your vibrational frequency.
Intuitive Massage
My favourite pair of healing hands is from a guy named Duggi, he’s based in Scotland and one of the best. However heady and stressed I’ve gotten, I always walk out feeling like I’m on cloud 9 (in a grounded kind of way). If you're not in Scotland seek out a great hands on healer to help aid you back into your body.
Epsom Salt Bath
Salt Lamp
Intuitive Massage