Laura Humphreys Health

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Parmesan Chicken

Why this dish gives you energy, but also aids sleep! 

Chicken, (all poultry) contains a very important amino acid, called Tryptophan and once digested your body uses it to rebuild proteins it needs. The biggest benefit you feel from Tryptophan is that it promotes sleep. As it supports the nervous system by building neurotransmitters, serotonin specifically (commonly known as the 'happy hormone') regulating your mood and appetite, which then stimulates the production of Melatonin, aiding you to have a good night sleep. Tryptophan then turns into Niacin, a B vitamin that stimulates enzymes to create energy, plus B vitamins are also great at calming the nervous system, ie calming anxiety.

This recipe is so easy, but super nutritious.

It's a Mary Berry adaptation to a). suit what we had the fridge and b). eat what my body needed at that time of the month.


  • 4 chicken breasts

  • 25g soft cream cheese (I used full fat Philadelphia, or you can use a dairy free alternative)

  • 1 garlic clove

  • olive oil

  • half lemon zest grated

  • 4 cherry toms

  • 25g crushed crisps

  • 1 sliced red pepper

  • black lentils


  1. Preheat oven to 200 degs.

  2. Lay the chicken breasts in an oven proof dish and coat with olive oil and season.

  3. Weigh out the cream cheese, chop garlic, baby toms, lemon zest + black pepper and blitz in a ninja.

  4. Crush up the crisps, grate the parmesan + place in a bowl.

  5. Spread the cream cheese mix over the chicken pieces and pat the crushed crisps over the top.

  6. Chop and scatter pepper wedges around the dish.

  7. Pop in the oven and cook for 25 mins or until chicken cooked through.

Green Beans, are a good source of calcium, silicon, iron, manganese, potassium, and copper. Vitamins A, C, K, B6, and folic acid.  

Black Lentils, are a great slow burning fibre, giving you energy that lasts longer and because they have a fairly low Glycemic level they help stabilse your blood sugar levels making them a great option for diabetics. High in iron, to help with those unwanted tried slumps and a great source of protein ideal if you're vegetarian.

Serve with Black Lentils

  1. Measure out what you need, rinse lentils through a sieve + pour into saucepan.

  2. Cover with boiled water, about 2 inches above the lentils, bring to the boil, then simmer with lid on until all lentils absorbed the water.

  3. Check every 5 mins to make sure water hasn't evaporated, if it has and they're not done (ie soft), then add more water, repeat until done.

  4. Once soft, drain and serve.

+ Green Beans

  1. Boil water as you prepare your beans, wash + chop ends off.

  2. Once water is boiling pop your beans in, add a pinch of salt and cook for about 15 mins (or to your desired crunch).

  3. Strain, serve and enjoy!