Laura Humphreys Health

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Flour'less Fish Cakes

Searching for flour’less recipes for my 15 month old that I know she’d like isn’t easy!

I discovered chickpeas act as a binder and combined with an egg it worked a treat!

Chickpeas are high in plant protein, full of fibre and help control blood sugar levels. Great for her as they will be sustaining and she’s virtually a veggie so needs the extra protein.

Mackerel for the omega 3 oils, B12, protein again and vitamin D (*).

Gluten free doesn’t have to be full of processed fillers, or be tasteless. With a little inspiration and substitute know how you can create dishes that are healthy and tasty.


  • 1 smoked mackerel 

  • 1 large baked potato 

  • 1/4 tin chickpeas

  • 1 egg (Chia egg if you’re dairy free)

    • 1 tbsp of ground chia or flaxseeds

    • 3 tbsp of water

    • leave to emulsify for 15 mins


Blitz all ingredients in a whizzer, section into small balls while the pan is on a medium heat, spoon in and squish into desired size with back of spatula. Once firm, gently flip onto the other side until golden and serve with a salad - yummy!