Laura Humphreys Health

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Cabbage Bacon Stir-fry

If you can chop, you can make this recipe! Despite what it looks like, it really is tasty and there’s not a ‘traditional’ carb in sight, perfect for you Keto lovers.

Nutrition + natures pharmaceuticals

This dish is full of vitamin C, fibre and fats keeping you fuller for longer.

Cabbage is anti-inflammatory, improves digestion, keeps your heart healthy, helps to rebalance high blood pressure and can even lower cholesterol levels (though possibly not with the added bacon)!

Lentils are high in Fibre, Folate, Potassium and Zinc making them a great choice for the heart. Potassium and zinc are both brilliant binder for loose stools. Lentils also have energising properties due to trace amounts of iron and vitamin B1.

The bacon will provide you with a good source of protein of course and not many people know this, also has an array of B vitamins; B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12, providing the body with energy and protecting your mental health. Win win!