Raspberry Leaf

Ladies, please listen up.

Raspberry Leaf should be your new best friend.

Here’s why...

If you are having periods and bleeding every single month, you are potentially loosing a fair amount of iron.

Iron is a trace mineral that is needed for many jobs within our body’s to function efficiently.

Inadequate consumption or absorption of iron can lead to devastatingly low energy levels, headaches, poor sleep and general lack of energy. I know, I think I’ve been Anaemic most of my life.

Obviously, there is fine line between too little and too much. The later can also be just as much of an issue and be toxic for the body. Causing Hemochromatosis which leads to joint pain, general weakness, weight loss and stomach pain.

But I want to talk to my ladies that are still having periods, are you are the ones at most risk. Time and time again I see women in my clinic with fatigue and 95% of the time it’s iron that is the issue.

Do not fear, I have the answer. A natural remedy for it too.

I’m not talking about the old fashioned iron tablets the doctors prescribe that make your stools go black and constipate you. I’m talking about a natural leaf.

Red Raspberry Leaf.

Let’s have a look how….


  • Rich in Iron, alleviating anaemia naturally!

  • Aids bowel movements and reduces headaches due to magnesium content.

  • Calms the nervous system thanks to vitamin B content and vitamins A, E and C all aid your skin!

  • Induces to induce labour as it’s a natural relaxant, relaxing the uterus

  • Reduces PMS due to the high B Complex content

  • Reduces PMS, alleviates cramps, shortens and lightens periods.

  • Reduces headaches

  • Calms Nervous System

  • Aids skin health

Drink as a tea

My favourite way to take raspberry leaf, make sure it’s the loose leaf, as the tea bags are often synthetic.


Increase your body’s ability to absorb iron, by consuming orange / lemon juice with iron rich produce. As vitamin C triples the body’s ability to absorb iron.


  • Iron rich - 3.3 mg

  • Calcium = 408 mg

  • Potassium - 446 mg

  • Magnesium - 106 mg

  • Manganese - 4 mg

Other nutrients also include:

Vitamins A, vitamins B1, B2 and B3 (Niacin), vitamins C and E, Manganese and Selenium

Nutrient strippers

  • Alcohol is the biggest nutrient stripper

  • Smoking cigarettes

  • Sugars

  • Refined carbohydrates; high grain or high carb diet can block your body’s ability to absorb nutrients.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m no purest, but I do eat as cleanly as I can these days. Mainly carb and sugar free. HOWEVER if I am going to have a treat, I’ll consciously choose, but first I check in with my body.

Am I symptom free at the moment? ✔

How is my energy? ✔

How are my bowels? ✔

Am I filling the bowl? ✔

Am I feeling good emotionally? ✔

When my answers are in alignment with my health, I’ll have a treat and these days I am lucky enough to be able to choose.

Got a question?

What's your biggest stressy struggle, or maybe you've overcome symptoms with natural remedies too? 

If so, I'd love to hear from you!

Click on the box below to contact me, alternatively write a comment below.


The content of Laura Humphreys Health website is intended to be used as a thought provoking resource as you engage on your journey towards optimal health and well-being. It is not intended to be diagnostic in nature and should not be a substitute for individual medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by a health-care practitioner. Laura Humphreys is making no medical claims.


Any resources I’ve used are (*) linked so you can check out where I’ve got my info from.

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