Weight Loss
scientifically designed for your body
Do you struggle to keep weight off, find yourself constantly trailing the latest new diet in the hope to find something that actually works?
Within this 6 week programme, you will discover the right foods to eat for your body, reduce cravings and rebalance emotions that maybe driving your eating habits. Discover how elimination and absorption are key to your health and to achieving your ideal size. Laura will provide you with a diet plan that’s easy to navigate, keeps you feeling energised, satisfied and allows you to achieve your weight goals.
tailored for you
With the combination of Laura’s extensive Nutritional expertise & Biofeedback scans you will discover exactly what is causing your weight gain and what unique set of nutrients your body needs to maintain your optimal weight.
6X Weekly Sessions
Weekly scans & EMF feedback to access & monitor any pathogens, nutritional deficiencies, emotional and hormonal stresses that maybe a result of your weight gain and stimulate your body’s natural healing response.
1:1 Support
Laura is 100% committed in your healing journey within the sessions and offers WhatsApp support throughout the programme whilst your body recalibrates with the new potential dietary changes.
Within the Weight Loss Programme we focus on the following scans to stimulate your digestion, improve your motivation, energy and health.
Liver detox
Bile stimulation
Colon detox
Lymphatic drainage
Digestive drainage
Trace mineral Chromium
Sugar toxins
Weight can be tricky to come off if you’re eating the wrong foods for your body, by determining your allergies or food sensitives the weight can come off easily.
GRAINS: gluten, wheat, pasta, bread, rice, oats, rye.
DAIRY: cows milk, butter, eggs, cheese.
FISH: shellfish; lobster, crab, clams, mussels, prawns, cod, halibut, salmon, tuna, hake.
TREE NUTS: almonds, brazilnuts, cashews, chestnuts, coconut, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecans, pine, pistachio, walnuts.
LEGUMES: chickpeas, lentils, black beans, peanuts.
DRINKS: Caffeine: tea / coffee. Alcohol: red / white wine.
TOBACCO: tobacco smoke.
All fruits & vegetables.
The detox scans help to improve your toxic load, digestion and energy levels.
Amalgams, Asbestos, Chlorine, Carbon Monoxide, Insecticides, Radiation, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Fluorine.
Amoeba, Bacteria, Fungi, Virus, Rickettsia, Vaccines, Parasites, Prions, Food Toxins and Sugar Toxins.
Alcohol, Caffeine, Tobacco, Intestinal Toxins, Dairy, Constipation, Mental Toxins, Injury/Surgery, Pork/Beef Toxins and Gluten.
Emotions often drive emotional eating. By rebalancing your emotions, we can recode how your brain responds to stimuli enabling you to create new, more beneficial emotions and behavioural patterns in relation to food.
TOP 10 EMOTIONS - which emotion do you get stuck in the most?
TOP 10 RELATIONSHIP - who is most stressful in your life?
TOP 10 AGE TIMELINE - when was the most stressful time in your life, from conception to now?
TOP 10 EMOTIONAL CONFLICTS - where are you most conflicted within yourself?
We can set additional EMF feedback in your Bioresonance Therapy treatment to enhance your healing.
Behavioural processes
Brain processes
Relaxation processes
Solution processes
Body centred
NEP - Neuro Emotional Profile Scan
Anger, Aggression, Careless, Delusion, Depression, Fear, Impulsivity, Jealousy, Joy, Lust, Power, Projection, Reckless, or Worry, Greed, Hesitation, Obsession, or Panic?
What is your subconscious mantra?
Explore unresolved or supressed anger, Explore unresolved grief, Desire to criticise, Pain from broken relationship, Constant brooding over trauma, or Too much self focus?
“I lost 1 stone in 6 weeks and I now feel fantastic, thanks to Laura's Weight-loss programme!”
— MB