Biofeedback | Nutrition | Wellness


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Resolving neurological symptoms through subconscious reprogramming

Do you ever feel like you get in your own way? Stuck in compulsive behavioural patterns, or oscillate between anxiety or depression?

it’s time to heal your mind


What is NLP?

‘Neuro’ relates to the brain, ‘Linguistic’ is how we communicate, internally and externally and ‘Programming’ relates to how we function and behave often automatically without thinking, our own internal autopilot if you like.

It is here in our subconscious that drives our thoughts, emotions, responses and behaviours and what very often needs reprogramming.


We use NLP’s Mind Detox 5-Step Method where you will discover how you've concluded to your unique set of limiting beliefs, learn how to turn these around so you’ll have more effective responses and strategies, helping you move on to achieve your desired goals and live your best life.

Biofeedback Therapy

NLP Coaching

what’s involved?

Prior to your consultation, Laura will email you two forms to fill out; your health history and your unique data.

The consultation will predominantly be using the NLP Mind Detox method, but will also feature the Bioresonance therapy to support and enhance your healing.


Each session includes Biofeedback’s Emotional Scans; scanning your top 10; ‘Emotional stressors’, ‘Relationship stressors’, ‘Age timeline’, ‘Conflict stressors’ and ‘Neuro Emotional Profile’.

Throughout the session you will receive Electromagnetic frequency feedback (EMF’S) on these emotional imbalances opening up your neuropathways increasing a sense of wellbeing.

Session time: 60 mins.

NLP Therapy & Coaching in Scotland


Are there any negatives?

It can often release stuck emotions initially bringing feelings on stronger, however these usually pass quite quickly once the learnings have been installed and the body has recalibrated. Ultimately bringing you back to peace and contentment.

how many sessions will i need?

We tend to recommend between 3-8 sessions depending how long you’ve been experiencing your current issue. More chronic, complex or situational stresses tend to need more sessions. Consultations are carried out weekly to maximise healing and continuity.

You are more than welcome to book an introductory consultation to see if we are a good fit for each other first, or book a free discovery call below to ask Laura any questions first.


What is Meditation?

Instead of having to fix, change and improve your thoughts, emotions, body and life circumstances using therapy techniques, why not try a more conscious process that once learnt you can practise on your own any time you like? 

If you find yourself stressed, burnt out, worried about the future, or stuck in the past, then this simple, easy-to-learn, fun meditation practice can help you make peace with your thoughts, body and life.

Mind Calm Meditation

Mind Calm Meditation

Welcome to Mind Calm Meditation, no jargon, unnecessary rituals, strict rules, uncomfortable sitting positions and absolutely no judgement as to where you’re at. 

Learn how to live more in the present moment, be more consciously aware, feel calmer, more confident and content regardless of how your life looks for better health, relationships and personal success. 


5 Week Meditation Coaching

This 5 week meditation coaching programme course is designed for you to get ‘Peace with your thoughts, body and life’. You will explore the beautiful teachings of Mind Calm Meditation as I guide and support you through the modules below. 

Please note the first session will include Biofeedback Therapy, but subsequent weeks will be the teachings of Mind Calm Meditation.

  • • Your health history

    • 7000 Wellness Scan

    •Your unique indicated profile scan

    • Frequency feedback on out of balance items

    • Mind Calm Philosophy

    • Homework

  • • Common Meditation Happenings

    • Scientific Benefits of Meditation

    • Hearts Highest Hope

    • 3C Vision Game

    • Guided Meditation

    • Homework

  • • Thinking Makes You Miss Now

    • You Are What You Want

    • Silent Soul-ution

    • Breathing Methods

    • Homework

  • • 3 Step Method

    • Constructing CALM Technique

    • More To Life Than You Think

    • Serenity + Success Formula

    • Mind Calm Meditation

    • Homework

  • • Overview of Process

    • 10 Mind Calm Techniques

    • The Judgement Game

    • Open + closed eyed meditations

    • Further studies + practice + support

Meditation Programmes in Scotland



Meditation Benefits

There have been numerous studies on the benefits of meditation and how it affects us. Scientists are discovering that there are possible neural changes that occur from consistent meditation.



Studies have shown that regularly meditating can actually decrease the volume of the amygdala. A section of the brain that experiences emotions like fear, stress, and anxiety. Enabling you more emotional control. So you can respond instead of reacting to stressful situations


Scientists have discovered that regular meditation sittings can increase the density of the hippocampus, a part of the brain that controls learning and memory. Read my article Meditation can reshape your brain.


Studies have found meditation actually reduces the brain's activity in the primary somatosensory cortex - an area of the brain that helps create the feeling of where and how intense a painful stimulus is. Helping you to alleviate physical symptoms including pain.



Meditation protects the grey matter of the brain which often shrinks with age, but studies have shown meditation reduces its decline.


The amygdala initiates fear and anxiety, scientists have found that meditation limits this activity and certain circuits of the brain are activated that induce good feelings, compassion and love. Increasing kindness and compassion.

Ready to get started?


Ready to claim your health back?
