Laura Humphreys Health

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Spicy Saucy Soup


Peel and roughly chop the ginger and garlic, add the curry paste and Coconut oil into a blender. Only add 2 tablespoons of ginger (save the remainder for later) and blitz until almost smooth.

Glug some Olive Oil into a heated pan and fry the sweet potato on a medium heat. Add the blitzed mix of ginger, garlic, curry paste and Coconut oil allowing it to coat the sweet pots and pour over the coconut milk.

Stir the chicken/veg stock in and mix well. Add the chopped mushrooms and whole baby toms and leave with a lid on unil the sweet pots are almost soft. Add the Bok Choy, chopped onions, Chia seeds and whole hot chillies (we removed ours just before serving as they were mega hot ones). Grate in the remainder of the ginger this adds a little punch. Once everything is soft / al dente (to your liking), stir in the noodles and serve in 2/3 mins time.

We love cooking and eating fresh healthy foods in our house.

And I just fancied something low carb, but packed full of flavour, so this is what I came up with, I hope you love it as much as we did!

Serves 4 


  • 3 large garlic cloves

  • 3 tablespoons of fresh ginger

  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil

  • 4 tablespoons of red Thai curry paste

  • 1 red onion, peeled and sliced

  • 1 large sweet potato, peeled and chopped into chunks

  • 1 litre of chicken or vegetable stock

  • 1 can of coconut milk

  • Handful of mushrooms

  • 5 baby vine tomatoes

  • 1 Bok Choy

  • Vermicelli rice noodles or zucchini noodles if you're GF.

  • 4 super hot chillies whole

  • Chia seeds to thicken

Curry paste, fresh ginger, garlic, coconut oil ready for blitzing.

I love this curry paste, as there are no nasty thickeners, just raw ingredients. ♡

The Nutrients

Bok Choy - another superfood, packed with vitamins K, C and A. Great for bone health, the immune system and your skin.

Chia - packed with protein, high in omega-3, high in fibre, kind on the colon, high in antioxidants. For more info have a look at my blog top reasons to eat chia.

Chili - is high in vitamin C, great for wound healing and the immune system. B6, Vitamin K1, Copper, Potassium and Vitamin A. Red chillies contain a carotenoid called Capsanthin, which is how it gets its red pigmentation and has high antioxidant properties.

Garlic - is the natural antibiotic age old remedy for boosting the immune system, reducing colds and flus (I tend to use Super Strength Garlic 6000mg) which always rescues me and protects my partner too as it's odourless! Studies have also shown garlic can reduce blood pressure.

Ginger - powder is a great pain killer. Ginger is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the onset of disease by preventing hypertension.

Sweet Potato - High in B6 so good at keeping you calm and helping to banish anxiety. Has a good source of vitamin C & D boosting the immune system against viruses and they are rich in Betacarotene, a powerful antioxidant that is anti-aging and protecting you against cancer.

Here you go - Spicy Saucy Soup!

Eat for what your body needs. Enjoy!

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