Laura Humphreys Health

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Sausage Roll Ups

If you are following a low carb or gluten free diet, you will love this! It’s a simpler version of Courgette Lasagne Roll Ups.

The pasta substitute star, again, is the courgette because it’s rich in an array of vitamins and minerals and the skin is packed with antioxidants. Not only that, it’ll protect and soothe your gut due to the fibre / water content. Aiding elimination to reduce bloating and eases constipation.

However, invest in a vegetable slicer so your roll ups are better than mine!

Make sure your sausage meat is grain free too and if you have any trouble breaking down meats, then apple cider vinegar is amazing at helping you digest proteins. 

Delicious with lentils or quinoa​.

Let me know what you think​!​